# # seal.conf # # - A simple configuration file for SEAL # # The configuration file should have a [general] section indicating the basic # information, such as uid, Spread daemon's IP and port. # # The file is then followed by a number of sections, each of which states # all possible members who can join the group. The section name specifies # the group name, such as mygroup. # [general] uid = patrick spread_ip = spread_port = 4803 [mygroup] user1 = alice user2 = bob user3 = carol user4 = dave user5 = eva user6 = frank user7 = grace user8 = henry user9 = ivy user10 = jane user11 = kenny user12 = linda user13 = mandy user14 = nancy user15 = olive user16 = patrick user17 = queenie user18 = ryan user19 = susan user20 = tracy user21 = urban user22 = venus user23 = wally user24 = xavia user25 = yvonne user26 = zoe #[yourgroup1] #user1 = ?? #user2 = ?? #[yourgroup2] #user1 = ?? #user2 = ??